Refund Policy Page

Game Change Related Refunds:

If a Contest related to a contest on our site is delayed or postponed, the contests will include statistics  for that game only if it is played no later than Wednesday of that week. If a game is postponed to a later date or called off for any reason, the contest will get cancelled and fully refunded.  As a participant, you can cancel your entry within 10 minutes of creation and up to 15 minutes before the start of the first game of the contest. If both requirements are met, you will  get a full refund.  If game cancellations and/or postponements result in only one player left in a contest,  then that contest will be cancelled and users will be refunded the original contest entry/buy-in amount.


Compliance Related Refunds:

In the event that the legality of a contest offered by ParlayPlay is altered by the state, district,  region, or country (“locations”) occupied by the customer; Or, if ParlayPlay changes its contest  availability policy for the location in which the customer resides, and the customer has previously  entered a pay-entry contest that has not yet began then the customer may be refunded the original  contest entry/buy-in amount.


Requesting a Refund:

To request a refund of your deposit you must send an email to  with the subject “Refund Request”. In the body of this email you must provide your full name, your username, the amount of the refund you are requesting, and the reason for your refund request. This process may take up to 14 business days for review. Please keep in mind that refunds are only granted under the following conditions: the refund was requested within 72 hours of account creation and the refund was requested within 24 hours of making your first deposit. If you request a refund, your account will automatically be closed. You cannot keep playing on ParlayPlay after requesting a refund. However, if you wish to start playing again at some point in the future, you can reopen your account, provided you reimburse ParlayPlay for the amount of your refund request.



Subject:  Refund Request

Name:  John Doe

Screen Name:  john_doe_sports

Reason:  The contest that was entered was not valid for my location at the time of my entry.